lauantai 17. syyskuuta 2016

Task 1.2

Impacts of digitality on worklife

Digitality means there's things whose physical state in this world is binary data. The binary data can be shown in a easier-to-understand format to a human, for example by visualizing it on a PC monitor.

There's a lots of tools in "physical world" you only need to watch and/or modify to make use of the tool. This does not include tool such as hammer, anvil and screwdriver etc. This includes things like a calendar, notebook, maps, calculators. These tools have been converted into a digital format which makes it possible to have them all once inside one device. The binary data can also be presented as audio through speakers so its also possible to replace objects like phones and music players with digital software.

So how does it affect your worklife? At first, it makes it possible to work from home (or anywhere else than your office room). This possibility gives you more time because you don't have to travel between the office and home anymore. Also all meetings can be done via the Internet.

Secondly, the digital format of these tools gives possiblity of sharing the information through the Internet with other users who have a computer of some kind. You can send contact cards, calendar invitations, documents etc. all through the Internet. You can have a virtual office room shared by many people around the world. With "virtual office room" I mean a workspace, which can be a directory of files in a cloud service where multiple users have access to it at the same time. So in a teamwork project you don't need to work physically at the same room anymore.

I find digitality a timesaving, performance increasing and environmentally friendly thing. I really can't think of any negative opinions on it expect the cons of different power generation methods for producing electricity.

Leading a digital business

In the course I had to watch a short interview video of Jussi Rautjärvi on how he leads a digital business. Jussi Rautjärvi is a Client Director at Tulos which is a company specialized on SEO. He thinks there's three main points on the subject:

1. Define your starting point; where are you in digital world, where your company is
2. Make things possible in your organization with your people
3. Create culture of measuring and testing all the time

I think this is a good generalization of basic guidelines on leading a digital business but I wish he had opened the main points a little more in the interview.

Opportunities of Augmented Reality

"Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer" - Wikipedia

So, as the definion of augmented reality says, AR adds or modifies something in physical reality, though it happens through a digital barrier between. You may use AR glasses which have a transparent display inside the lens, or you may look at a augmented reality through a camera and display combination. In both cases a computer modifies the input before seen by the user.

The augmented reality is made by drawing graphics on the display with a software inside the AR device. The device needs to have some kind of sensors of outside world; some examples of the sensors:
- Motion sensor
- Camera
- Microphone
- Infrared sensor

With the data provided by some of the sensors, the software knows something about reality. Let's use an example of a hypothetical situation
- Device has an camera, display, internet connection and GPS
- At front of the camera stands a cow
- Device has a software with a algorithm to detect objects
- There's a cloud service which has a learning AI trained to identify animals from a picture

Now, the AR device may send an picture of the object to the cloud service and get analyzation of what is seen. Examples of processing the data: 

#1 The device may print "A cow" on the screen and some information taken from Wikipedia. The device may also show a google ad about something related to it, possibly an advertise about milk company in the current country you are at the moment (the device has a GPS). So, AR gave an opportunity for targeted advertising.

#2 It could be a tool for veterinarian. It shows medical information about cows and if added an chip to the cow and a chip reader to the device to identify who exact cow it is in the world, medical data about the animal could be downloaded from a database to show what kind of medical history the animal has.

I think I could continue creating more ideas for quite long on this subject, and finally come up with something that I could use to start some kind of business with.

Basics of Social Media Strategies

I read an article about social media strategies written by Keith A. Quesenberry in Harvard Business Review, and a few things were pointed out:
- You need to define the status quo; identify your business objectives and your target market, history of the brand and your competitors
- Listen to your target group. Try to find out what they saying about your products and what are their opinions on your competitors. It can be simply done by a few Google searches.
Create valuable content on social media. For example something entertaining or educating.
- Use Google Analytics or any other service to measure digital KPIs

 Well, I agree with all the tips he said and don't really have anything to add at the moment (maybe I'll modify this post later).

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